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Business Freedom

Are You Enjoying Freedom in Your Business?

Your business is growing by leaps and bounds, your list of satisfied clients or students is growing by the day, and you’re starting to see your dreams become reality.

Nothing could be better. 


I believe there is a secret kept by a lot of successful entrepreneurs whose businesses start to explode….that running their business it’s not nearly as easy as it feels like it should be.

When the client-facing side of your business grows quickly, a whole new set of problems tend to pop up. As the demand for your time and attention grows, it is incredibly tempting to throw together quick solutions to meet the urgent needs clamouring for your attention.  

These band-aid solutions help in the moment and patch a hole for a short period of time, but that aren’t sustainable in the long run.

I have had the experience of working with so many brilliant entrepreneurs who find themselves in this exact scenario. The combination of quick growth, patched-together systems and processes, and frantic hiring decisions leaves their businesses in the complicated position of having a back-end that isn’t sustainable.

It’s at this point that business owners tend to realize the weight of their problem. Their growth is accelerating and they want to take on more clients, but they and their teams are stretched to their limits and don’t have the capacity to take on anyone else. 

But they also need new clients to bring in more revenue so that their financial goals can be attained. Unfortunately, they have no time to properly identify which team members to add next, go through the hiring process, and onboard their new hire and bring them up to speed.

It can be an incredibly scary position to be in, and the overwhelming stress can lead entrepreneurs to burnout – or to consider throwing in the towel on their very successful business.

If they can’t sustain things at this pace, how will they accomplish their long term goals?

If they can’t keep delivering with the excellence they are known for, what will happen to their reputation, and will their clients leave?

If the clients leave, how will they continue to pay for their team members?

But….how can they possibly continue on, burning the candle at both ends and bearing the enormous weight of the company’s success on their shoulders alone?

So what’s the solution?

Making decisions strategically and purposefully in your business is the key to not losing your way, as it’s when decisions are made urgently and haphazardly that things really start to be out of control.

It takes some well-intentioned time to look at things like:

  1.  Who your next (or first hire) should be and what responsibilities they should take on.
  2. Implementing the systems and processes that this new hire will need to be able to move seamlessly into their role. 
  3. Your willingness to delegate these tasks, knowing that there will be a learning curve, and that it will all be worth it in the end when your load is lightened. 

If that sounds overwhelming, it could very well be that managing people, processes, and projects are not the tasks that you love.

If that is the case, you could very well be a “visionary entrepreneur” – someone who typically is amazing at dreaming big, maintaining major client relationships, and energetically coming up with new ideas and products. 

And the good news is that the tasks you dread are the very same tasks that light up other people!  As a Certified Director of Operations, I come from a background filled with experience in executive administrative support and project management.

There is nothing I love more than helping businesses become more efficient, productive, and profitable. 

When working with visionaries, I often see that:

  • They know what their big goals are, but aren’t sure of all the steps that stand between where they are and where they want to be. 
  • They love getting help to prioritize the tasks that will move the needle quickly, and appreciate having backend systems identified and implemented that will help them to grow and scale.
  • They also love getting out of managing the day-to-day of their business so they can step fully into the CEO role that they know they are meant to have.


If you’re ready to step back into all the freedom that entrepreneurship promises – to work less hours while also seeing your goals come to fruition – I’d love to help!

Click below to learn more about the Systems Kickstart Intensive. We can chat about where things currently are, the frustrations you’re experiencing, and how we can move you from chaos to clarity and freedom. 

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Hi! I'm Kari!

Building a business is incredibly rewarding and can allow you to enjoy an incredible amount of freedom! I love supporting business owners as they step out of overwhelm and into their role as CEO. 

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