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Shame Around Your Business Numbers

How to Deal with Shame Around Your Business Numbers

Do you ever worry that you’re not a “good” business owner? Do you ever doubt your abilities, overthink your actions, or even avoid some tasks in your business because you’re afraid?

I’ve seen this a lot when it comes to business numbers. Specifically, shame around business numbers. Worry, doubt, and fear often pop up, too. If you’ve ever felt or are currently experiencing these feelings when looking at your business numbers, you’re not alone!

And you don’t have to keep feeling these negative emotions, either. With the right approach, you can start using data to your business’s benefit. I’ll teach you how in this blog.

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Why do we feel shame in our business numbers?

There are a number of reasons your business numbers might make you feel uncomfortable.

If you’re unsure how to use your data, or you don’t understand every business metric at your fingertips, you might feel like a bad business owner. You might feel unqualified, unsuccessful, or just plain “bad at numbers.”

These feelings as a business owner can even stem from older feelings; you might’ve struggled with numbers as a child, or avoided things you weren’t good at right away. Lack of education and missteps with money, no matter your age, can affect you, too. 

All of these feelings and where they come from are common…and valid. In fact, it’s helpful to know why you feel shame around your business numbers so you can begin to accept it and overcome it.

Once you overcome these feelings, you can begin using your business data with confidence.

Change your perspective on business numbers

If this resonates with you, you can begin dealing with shame around your business numbers right now. Your first step is to remember that your numbers are simply numbers.

They don’t represent your skills or capabilities as a business owner. They’re not a mark of success or failure. They’re data! Remember that they’re tools that can help you improve and grow your business. You just need to be willing to use them.

I also encourage you to remind yourself that managing your business data is part of being a responsible business owner. (So that little voice in your head saying otherwise is lying!) Keeping track of your numbers shows how serious and proactive you are about achieving your goals.

Changing your perspective won’t happen overnight. If we could all break bad habits and start healthy habits immediately, the world would be an entirely different place! But this habit is completely worth the investment.

Track a few key numbers to start

Your next step in eliminating shame around your business numbers is to begin tracking them. Just a few key metrics to start. Track them regularly and learn all you can about your data.

The numbers you choose to start with will depend on what questions you want to be answered about your business. For example:

  • Not sure whether your business is making enough money? Start with profit and expenses.
  • Want to know more about your target audience? Start with your demographics or lifetime value.
  • Interested in where your website traffic is coming from? Start with source, channels, and device used.


As you grow comfortable tracking your first metrics, continue tracking more based on what you want to know about your business.

Commit to tracking your numbers with this tip

Tracking your numbers regularly is easier said than done, I know. That’s why I recommend setting a recurring event in your calendar every week to remind yourself. Think of it as an important meeting or appointment with yourself. (So try not to cancel or reschedule!)

With each meeting, give yourself plenty of time to review your numbers, outline changes you want to make or actions to take, and implement your ideas.

Short on time? That’s okay. Don’t rush through your meeting, which can be stressful and/or unproductive. 

Instead, consider setting one meeting to review your numbers and list changes to make. Set another meeting to implement those changes and take those actions. This is especially helpful if you have different teams you’ll need to talk to about your numbers.

You’re already a great business owner — keep it up!

Tracking your business numbers is vital in growing a successful business

They help you learn all you can about your clients and customers. They help you identify what to improve in your business and how it’s performing financially. They help you make fact-based decisions for your business, too.

Don’t let this valuable resource go to waste! Remember, it is perfectly normal and common to feel shame, worry, or fear around your numbers. It is your choice to accept those feelings and rise above them. 

When you’ve gotten into the groove of tracking your numbers, it will become second nature to you. All it takes is that first step forward, practice, and commitment. You’ve got this!

If you want help tracking your numbers, seeing them in a clear and easy-to-understand way, and removing yourself from the “emotions” of data, I’d love to chat. As a metrics and data expert, I can help you gain a stronger perspective on your business numbers, take confident action based on your knowledge, and move forward! 

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Hi! I'm Kari!

Building a business is incredibly rewarding and can allow you to enjoy an incredible amount of freedom! I love supporting business owners as they step out of overwhelm and into their role as CEO. 

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